2019 Macy Award Winner
Gary Reineccius, Macy Award winner at the 2019 Award Ceremony
The 2019 Harold Macy Food Science and Technology award recipient is Gary Reineccius of University of Minnesota. As many know, Dr. Reineccius has an active research program in flavoring. Of late, his research interest has been in the flavoring of high protein foods. Flavoring foods that have substantial amounts protein is challenging because of the inherent off flavors associated with various protein isolates and then the chemical reactions that occur during processing or storage between flavorings and the protein.
About Macy Award
The Harold Macy Food Science and Technology Award was established by the MN Section of the Institute of Food Technologists in 1981. In the words of the bylaw adopted to formally establish the Award, its purpose "shall be to advance the profession and practice of food technology and to honor Dean Emeritus Harold Macy by the selection each year of an outstanding example of food technology transfer or cooperation between scientists or technologists in any two of the following settings:
- Academic
- Government
- Private industry
by the preparation of appropriate descriptive material describing the accomplishments involved, and inviting of the individual awardee or awardees to address the annual Award meeting of the Section."
Harold Macy, emeritus charter professional member of IFT and former dean of the Institute of Agriculture at the University of Minnesota, died in 1986 at the age of 91. Dean Harold Macy, "Jo" to those who knew him, had a long and illustrious career in the food industry. His first and most extensive association focused on interests in dairy science, and his professional activity in dairy husbandry, processing and bacteriology, and later in food technology, spanned over 50 years. Jo Macy was involved in formulations and writing of some of the first public health regulations for milk and other dairy products, to assure their safety and wholesomeness. Among his most notable achievements in technology transfer was the establishment in 1936 of the Dairy Quality Control Institute (DQCI). For many years, DQCI oversaw on a cooperative basis, the quality of milk marketed in the Twin Cities metropolitan area, and included an analytical laboratory that was highly respected on a national basis. He was also involved in the original founding of the American Dairy Association and the Dairy Council, which was in Macy's words "one of the dairy industry's most precious accomplishments."
Macy's academic career began in 1919 as an assistant professor of dairy bacteriology at the University of Minnesota. In the succeeding 44 years, he moved up through the ranks and completed his campus tenure as dean of what was then the Institute of Agriculture, Forestry, and Home Economics. It is thus entirely fitting that a Minnesota IFT Section award emphasizing technology transfer among academia, government, and private industry should honor the name of Harold Macy.
Past Macy Award Recipients
2012 - Award Not Given
2011 - Jae W. Park
2010 - Kevin M. Keener
2009 - Richard W. Hartel
2008 - Donald Kramer
2007 - John Surak
2006 - Gary List
2005 - David B. Min
2004 - Richard Linton
2003 - Robert J. Price
2002 - Stephen L. Taylor
2001 - Jozef Kokini
2000 - Keith Ito
1999 - W. James Harper
1998 - Richard Lechowich
1997 - Daniel Y.C. Fung
1996 - Elaine R. Wedral
1995 - James N. BeMiller
1994 - Kenneth R. Swartzel
1993 - George E. Inglett
1992 - Peter Barton Hutt
1991 - John J. Powers
1990 - Arnold E. Denton
1989 - Rose Marie Pangborn
1988 - Philip E. Nelson
1987 - Howard E. Bauman
1986 - Norman F. Olson
1985 - Joseph C. Olson, Jr.
1984 - Robert Pearl
1983 - Gary H. Richardson
1982 - E.M. "Mike" Foster
1981 - Harold Macy